Logging And Perforating Instruments
For over 30 years Hunting’s Titan Division has prided itself on providing nuclear, acoustic and production logging tools typically used in completion operations for deep oil and gas wells.
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Perforating Gamma Ray CCL
Hunting’s perforating gamma ray tools provide a rugged and reliable means of stratigraphic correlation depth control for completion operations.
High Side Indicator
The High Side Indicator tool (HSI) is used to report the relative bearing and inclination of the downhole tool string in the wellbore during oriented perforating applications.
DC-MOT Tool (Magnetic Orienting Perforating Tool)
Hunting’s DC-MOT (Magnetic Orienting Perforating Tool) positions zero phased perforating guns for control line avoidance.
Perforating Gamma Ray/Pressure/Temp/CCL
Hunting’s Gamma Temperature/Pressure tools are a rugged and reliable means of correlation depth control for completion operations
Perforating Casing Collar Locator (CCL)
Hunting’s Perforating Casing Collar Locators (CCL) are an extremely rugged and proven tool, designed to correlate depth to a base log, such as a gamma ray (GR)/CCL.
Digital Free Point Tool
Hunting’s Digital Free Point Tool accurately determines the stuck point in pipe, tubing, or a casing string.
Motorized Free Point Tool
Titan's Motorized Free Point Tool accurately determines the stuck point in pipe, tubing or a casing string
KnockOut® Charges
KnockOut® Charges provide flow between two strings of tubing, pipe, or casing, or combination of.
SPECTRA® Jet Cutters
The SPECTRA® family of jet cutters are engineered and manufactured at Hunting’s world-class Energetics facility
SPECTRA® Tubing Cutter Detonator
The SPECTRA® Tubing Cutter Detonator is very easy, and user friendly to install
- Casing Inspection Tools
NST-Noise Spectrum Tool
The Noise Spectrum Tool is designed to measure downhole noise in the frequency range 100Hz to 12.7kHz.
- Casing Inspection Tools
EMT-Electromagnetic Tools
Measuring casing wall thickness through an array of miniature sensors
- Casing Inspection Tools
MCT-Multi-Finger Caliper Tools
A mechanical tool for well diameter measurement mainly composed of measuring fingers, driver rod and inductive sensors.
- Cement Inspection Tools
Cement Bond Tools | 3-5 ft
Hunting's standard single transmitter Cement Bond Log (CBL) tool accurately determines casing bond by measuring the amplitude of the first arrival at the 3ft receiver.
- Cement Inspection Tools
High Definition Radial Incremented Bond Tool | 12-16 Sectors
Titan’s industry leading High Definition Radial Incremented Bond (HD-RIB) tools.
- Cement Inspection Tools
Radial Incremental Bond Tool | 6-8 Sector
Hunting’s family of CBL tools come in a range of sizes to accommodate casing sizes ranging from 2-3/8 in. (60 mm) to 9-5/8 in. (244.48 mm). The tools can be configured to several timing schemes for different logging systems.
- Cement Inspection Tools
RBT-Radial Bond Tool
The Radial Cement Bonding Tool (RBT) is a new type acoustic logging tool, consisting of acoustic part and electronics.
- Cement Inspection Tools
SBT-Segmented Bond Tool
Divides casing, cement annulus and formation into six segments acquiring full wave train and analyzing cement bond between the formation and cement annulus
Logging Gamma Ray
Hunting’s Logging Gamma Ray tools, built using shock mounting and vibration protection technology, offer operators a wide range of dependable service options and flexibility.
Casing Collar Locator (CCL)
Making a depth correlation between the casing collars, and the open hole log of the well.
Fluid Density Tools - Radioactive (FDR)
The FDR provides a reliable and comparatively safe means to measure wellbore fluid density
Caged Springbow Fullbore Flowmeter (CSFM)
The caged springbow fullbore flowmeter (CSFM) is run at the bottom of the production logging tool (PLT) string.
Continuous Jeweled Bearing Flowmeters (IFJM)
The jeweled bearing flowmeter (IFJM) employs jewels for the support of the spinner pivot to reduce threshold displacement and improve sensitivity
Inline Spinner Flowmeter (CFB)
The inline spinner flowmeter is a spinner flowmeter which provides an electrical feed-through.
FDA-Tuning Fork Density
A non-radioactive fluid-density measurement tool, measuring the density of a fluid sample as it flows through the tool
GHT-Gas Holdup Tool
Measures the gas void fraction in the wellbore around the tool
HTF-Hold Up Tool
Using a capacitance sensor for measuring water hold-up in fluid and a fast-response platinum sensor for measuring temperature
Resistance Downhole Temperature Tool
The Resistance Downhole Temperature Tool (RDT13) measures fluid temperature, providing information for fluid property analysis.
X-Y Caliper Tool (DCT)
Runs centralised in the production logging toolstring
Gamma Ray Tool (Well-Sun)
The Gamma Ray Tool (GRT) measures the natural gamma rays generated from the formation that surrounds the wellbore.
Downhole Tractors
3 products
Downhole Tractors
3 products
CCT-CCL Tension Tool
The CCT-CCL Tension Tool determines the tool depth by measuring the number of casing collars
Downhole Tractor
An electric motor powered tractor system consisting of a surface control panel and downhole tools
Tractor Control Panel
The Tractor Control Panel functions as the interface panel between surface system and downhole tractor tool/tractor control cartridge. It also supplies DC power for other tools.
Memory Logging System
1 product
Memory Logging System
1 product
Memory Logging System
1 product
Time Depth Recorder - TDR04
Records and displays the logging time, depth, line speed and tension in real time
Surface Readout Telemetry (sro)
1 product
Surface Readout Telemetry (sro)
1 product
Surface Readout Telemetry (sro)
1 product
WTC-Wireline Telemetry Cartridge
An intelligent bridge between the tool bus and surface system collecting data from the tools
Ancillary / Logging
2 products
Ancillary / Logging
2 products
Ancillary / Logging
2 products
KJH-Knuckle Joint Head
A simple ball adapter with a limited movement angle to enhance tool flexibility
RCT-Roller Centralizer Tools
An auxiliary tool for centering toolstring to be connected in vertical, deviated or horizontal well
Our technology
Titan’s patented instrument technology, plus rigorous manufacturing and quality procedures, provide our customers with dependable andcost effective products.
Hunting’s Instrument partnership with Well-Sun broadens Hunting’s global offering from perforating logging instruments to also include production and well integrity logging instruments, while maintaining the high quality standards associated with Hunting’s instrumentation.