Motorized Free Point Tool
Titan's Motorized Free Point Tool accurately determines the stuck point in pipe, tubing or a casing string
Product summary
Titan's Motorized Free Point Tool accurately determines the stuck point in pipe, tubing or a casing string
Many factors can contribute to a drilling or workover string getting stuck in the well. Some extra examples are borehole conditions, wellbore fluid properties, formation characteristics and assembly problems. Titan's Motorized Free Point Tool accurately determines the stuck point in pipe, tubing or a casing string. The real-time data allows the operator to make rapid and informed decisions in determining the next steps to recover the stuck downhole assembly. The Hall sensor picks up movements in the assemnly associated with tension, compression or torque measurements and converts that to an AC signal. This signal is then processed at the surface by the Free Point Panel for display and recording for permanent records.
Stuck pipe determination
375oF operation
Tension, compression and torque measurements
Built in Casing Collar Locator (CCL)
Solid-state electornic motor control
Full open/close sensors
Seven anchor sizes available for most applications
Temperature stable Hall sensor
Real-time data assists in optimizing pipe recovery methods
Accurate depth determination of stuck assembly
Controlled electronics protect damage to gear and drive assemblies
Interchangable anchors for different assemblies