Titan owns and operates a state of the art shaped charge manufacturing facility. Information on Hunting's shaped charges and Spectra® Jet Cutters can be found in this section.
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Shaped Charge Summary
Hunting’s shaped charges and perforating guns are engineered to exact specifications and achieve optimum performance.
Detonating Cord
Hunting Detonating Cord is designed for use in perforating systems.
HT71 Detonator (Modular, HMX)
The new HT71 Detonator from Hunting is the first and only auto-shunting, RF-Safe and wireless detonator available for select-fire perforating systems.
HT72 Detonator (Modular, RDX)
The new HT72 Detonator from Hunting is the first and only auto-shunting, RF-Safe and wireless detonator available for select-fire perforating systems.
HT73 Detonator (Wired, HMX)
HT73 is a wired detonator designed for use in downhole tools, and it contains HMX to ensure high performance at high temperatures. HT73 is used by certified professionals to electrically initiate explosive devices using commercial power supplies.
HT74 Detonator (Wired, RDX)
HT74 is a wired detonator designed for use with downhole tools, and it contains RDX to ensure high performance in common well environmnents. HT74 is used by certified professionals to electrically initiate explosive devices using commercial power supplies.
EQUAfrac® Oriented Perforating Charges
Improved EQUAfrac® shaped charges focusing on a single phase
EQUAfrac® Precision
High Consistency with Optimal Penetration
EQUAfrac® Charges
The Hunting EQUAfrac® shaped charge is technology that is ideal for decentralized perforating gun situations where hole uniformity can help reduce cost associated with pumping operations.
PerfECTA® Rock Charges
Hunting Titan’s PerfECTA® Rock Charges are engineered to deliver superior performance in stressed rock formations, providing high productivity and prolonged life span for conventional wells.
PerfECTA® Charges
The PerfECTA® family are Titan's industry leading shaped charges that have been engineered to provide superior performance in all types of formations.
KnockOut® 360
Hunting’s KnockOut® 360 is the ideal circulating shaped charge line for plug and abandon (P&A) applications.
KnockOut® Charges
KnockOut® Charges provide flow between two strings of tubing, pipe, or casing, or combination of.
PowerSet™ Recon
PowerSet® Recon is the only addressable power charge, complete with a built in initiation device.
PowerSet™ Solo
PowerSet® Solo is the power charge with a built in initiation device.
Hunting’s PowerSet™ Power Charges are the optimal choice for use with the T-Set® family of setting tools.
SPECTRA® Jet Cutters
The SPECTRA® family of jet cutters are engineered and manufactured at Hunting’s world-class Energetics facility
SPECTRA® Tubing Cutter Detonator
The SPECTRA® Tubing Cutter Detonator is very easy, and user friendly to install
Regulatory Information
Regulatory information required for operations, legal transport and import/export licences of energetic material sold by Titan can be found in this page.
API Shaped Charge Performance Certification
The API RP-19B, Recommended Practices for Evaluation of Well Perforators, test program allows for accurate and objective comparison of shaped charge performance amongst all the manufacturers
HNS Energetics
Hunting's HNS products are available immediately, designed to our customer's specification, and ready to meet operational needs around the world, now.
StimStixx Product Partnership
HT Detonators