Shareholder information

Useful Hunting PLC shareholder information

Shareholder listing information

  • Shareholder listing

    HUNTING PLC is listed on the London Stock Exchange FTSE All-Share under the Ticker HTG

  • Shares in Issue

    As at 31 December 2023 there were 164,940,082 shares in issue


  • Title Type
  • Results of AGM 2020

  • Form of Proxy 2020

    AGMProxy form
  • Notice of AGM 2020

  • Title Type
  • Results of AGM 2019

  • Form of Proxy 2019

    AGMProxy form
  • Notice of AGM 2019

  • Title Type
  • Results of AGM 2018

  • Form of Proxy 2018

    AGMProxy form
  • Notice of AGM 2018

  • Title Type
  • Results of AGM 2017

  • Form of Proxy 2017

    AGMProxy form
  • Notice of AGM 2017

  • Title Type
  • Results of AGM 2016

  • Form of Proxy 2016

    AGMProxy form
  • Notice of AGM 2016

  • Title Type
  • Results of AGM 2015

  • Form of Proxy 2015

    AGMProxy form
  • Notice of AGM 2015


AGM questions

  • AGM 2022

    Can you comment on the results you've been attaining in your Organic Oil Recovery division?

Major shareholders information

Shareholders - 31 December 2023

BlackRock, Inc

Number of Ordinary shares - 12,749,575
% of ISC - 7.73

Schroder Investment Management

Number of Ordinary shares - 11,649,926
% of ISC - 7.06%

Hunting Investments Limited

Number of Ordinary shares - 11,003,487
% of ISC - 6.67%


Number of Ordinary shares - 10,784,962
% of ISC - 6.54%

GLG Partners

Number of Ordinary shares - 9,565,911
% of ISC - 5.80%

JP Morgan Asset Management

Number of Ordinary shares - 8,443,282
% of ISC - 5.12

Hunting Employee Benefit Trust

Number of Ordinary shares - 6,591,918
% of ISC - 4.00%

Slaley Investment Limited

Number of Ordinary shares - 6,424,591
% of ISC - 3.89%

Orbis Investment Management

Number of Ordinary shares - 5,951,997
% of ISC - 3.61%

J Trafford - as trustee

Number of Ordinary shares - 5,228,660
% of ISC - 3.17%

David RL Hunting

Number of Ordinary shares - 194,120
% of ISC - 0.12%

- as trustee

Number of Ordinary shares - 3,157,750
% of ISC - 1.91%

- other beneficial

Number of Ordinary shares - 1,875,950
% of ISC - 1.14%

Dimensional Fund Advisers

Number of Ordinary shares - 5,076,993
% of ISC - 3.08%

Directors' Shareholdings - 31 December 2023

Jim Johnson

Amount - 567,988

Bruce Ferguson

Amount - 215,554

Annell Bay

Amount - 21,347

Stuart Brightman

Amount - -

Carol Chesney

Amount - 24,000

Jay Glick

Amount - 75,923

Paula Harris

Amount - -

Keith Lough

Amount - 24,000

Shareholders - 31 December 2023

Directors' Shareholdings - 31 December 2023

Managing your shares

The Company has no legal responsibility for the personal trading any ownership of its shares. For any information on this area please contact Equiniti.

Equiniti Limited Aspect House Spencer Road Lancing West Sussex BN99 6DA

Tel (UK): +44 (0)371 384 2173 Tel (Overseas): +44 (0)371 384 2173

Share dealings

Equiniti Limited operate a share dealing service to trade Hunting PLC Ordinary shares. This offering is completely independent of the Company.

Guidance on Fraud

If you suspect that fraud, in respect to your Ordinary shares in Hunting PLC, have been subject to fraud, please contact Equiniti immediately or contact

  • The Company’s registrar is Equiniti Limited, to whom all queries about your share ownership should be directed.

  • All shareholders have the opportunity to elect to receive investor materials either electronically or in paper format. Please contact Equiniti if you wish to change your election.

Close Periods

  • Prior to the release of the Company’s half and full-year financial results, trading in the Company’s Ordinary shares by employees or connected persons is prohibited.

  • The close period for the Company’s half year results usually begins on 1 July up to the date of the release of the results, and on 23 December for the Company’s full year results.

Broker contacts

The Company’s corporate brokers are

  • Investec Bank plc

  • RBC Capital Markets