Setting Tools
Titan offers setting tools and associated hardware that are compatible for wireline and TCP operations. Be sure to contact your Titan representative to help you select the setting tool appropriate for your job.
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T-Set® Setting Tools
The T-Set® family of setting tools have been engineered to very tight tolerances making them the most reliable and efficient on the market today all at a very affordable price that Titan is renowned for.
Plug Shoot Cartridge Firing Head
Hunting’s PSC Firing Head utilizes a ControlFire® Cartridge to eliminate wiring the plug switch.
PowerSet™ Recon
PowerSet® Recon is the only addressable power charge, complete with a built in initiation device.
PowerSet™ Solo
PowerSet® Solo is the power charge with a built in initiation device.
Hunting’s PowerSet™ Power Charges are the optimal choice for use with the T-Set® family of setting tools.
T-Set One™️ Setting Tool Rental
The T-Set One™ setting tool is now available to rent in the Permian Basin. Eliminate your inventory and maintenance costs for setting tools. This fleet of setting tools is available from Hunting’s Odessa distribution center.