HNS Energetics

Hunting's HNS products are available immediately, designed to our customer's specification, and ready to meet operational needs around the world, now.

Product summary

HNS (Hexanitrostilbene), is at the forefront of explosive technology, renowned for its exceptional thermal stability, reliability, and precision in scortching conditions. Our HNS detonating cord has been tailored to match regional temperature requirements in the field today, and our expanding line will soon offer solutions to even the hottest temperatures.

We Offer High Temperature, HNS

  • Detonating Cord

  • Shaped Charges

  • Bi-Directional Boosters

  • Detonators

  • TCP Igniters and Fuses


80 Grain HNS LS Detonating Cord

All Hunting Shaped Charges are available in HNS. See the data sheet for the most common part numbers.

Shaped Charges


Wired HNS Detonators


Percussion Initiator


Percussion Igniter


Time Delay Fuse