Shaped charge

Shaped Charge Summary

Hunting’s shaped charges and perforating guns are engineered to exact specifications and achieve optimum performance.

Product summary

Hunting’s shaped charges and perforating guns are engineered to exact specifications and achieve optimum performance. All charges available in RDX, HMX and HNS explosive type unless otherwise specified. Systems available in other SPF/Phasing configurations.

Perfecta® Shaped Charges

Superior performance in all types of formations. With a wide variety of SDP, GH, and BH shaped charges available to meet your specific needs. PerfECTA shaped charges can be deployed using any conveyance methodology.

Perfecta® Rock Charges

Superior performance, Super Deep Penetrating shaped charges tested in stressed-rock to acurately mimic real-world conditions. Perfecta® Rock Charges can be deployed using any conveyance methodology.

EQUAfrac® Shaped Charges

EQUAfrac® shaped charges are the ideal solution for obtaining consistent hole size, optimal penetration and minimal debris in horizontal completions.

EQUAfrac® Limited Shaped Charges

EQUAfrac® Limited shaped charges are super consistent shaped charges for applications where limited penetration is neccessary.

EQUAfrac® Precision EQUAfrac Precision combines the best features of EQUAfrac and EQUAfrac Limited Shaped Charges. This hybrid product offers more consistent hole size than the original EQUAfrac line, while still offering optimal penetration, and minimal debris. Perfect for horizontal completions while maintaining super consistency for applications requiring more than limited penetration.

EQUAfrac® OP Shaped Charges

EQUAfrac® OP shaped charges are super consistent shaped charges for oriented perforating applications where all shaped charges are firing in the same direction or “phase”.

KnockOut 360° Shaped Charges

KnockOut 360° shaped charges perforate 360° of the primary casing while maintaining consistent hole diameter, leaving the secondary casing with minimal controlled damage regardless of primary to secondary casing orientation.

KnockOut® Shaped Charges

Unprecedented design for reduced penetration circulation/puncher charges. These charges minimize collateral impact on the secondary casing string while maximizing hole size in the target casing.

Recomplete Shaped Charges

These charges fit 2-1/2” guns and are manufactured and rigorously tested to perform well when perforating through both liner and casing.


  • Hunting’s shaped charges and perforating guns are engineered to exact specifications and achieve Optimum performance when used as part of Hunting’s Complete Perforating System.

  • All charges available in RDX, HMX and HNS explosive type unless otherwise specified. Systems available in other SPF/Phasing configurations.