Dump Bailer
Dump bailers are primarily used for dumping cement (sand is also an option) on pre-existing bridge plugs.
Product summary
Dump bailers are primarily used for dumping cement (sand is also an option) on pre-existing bridge plugs.
Placing cement on top of a bridge plug allows for a larger pressure differential to be placed across it. The cement can also be used to plug off unwanted water producing perforations.
Titan dump bailers are gravity activated systems. This simple, yet effective, design is the most common type of system used in the industry. Cement is simply poured into the dump bailer. A glass rupture disc at the bottom of the chambers holds the cement inside the tool. Once above the bridge plug, the glass disc is broken and the cement, under the influence of gravity, falls freely onto the plug. Options are also available for heavy duty top section windows. These provide extra support for long dump bailer toolstrings at the filler window, which is the weakest part of the string.
Two types of activation systems are available from Titan. A small blasting cap can be placed on top of the glass rupture disc and actuated when required. The other method uses a mechanical striker pin. When the dump bailer hits a bridge plug with force, the pin strikes the glass disc rupturing it.
Dump cement or sand onto a bridge plug
Gravity activated system
Strengthened upper window sections
Ballistic or mechanical actuation
Cost effective and low maintenance
Explosives not always necessary
Full toolstrings can be rigged up in one piece reducing operating time