MWD, LWD & FE Components
We provide gundrilling solutions necessary to support today's, and tomorrow's leading edge Formation Evaluation, Rotary Steerable, Well Completion and reservoir management technologies.
Product summary
Dearborn understands the challenge to drill deeper, faster, under higher pressure and in more hostile environments.
It's what we do every day. We provide gundrilling solutions necessary to support today's, and tomorrow's leading edge Formation Evaluation, Rotary Steerable, Well Completion and reservoir management technologies.
Our specialty is tight tolerance drilling of deep bores in high grade alloys. We produce bores as small as .087"Ø and as large as 13", in relative depths up to 31-ft. Dearborn's unique and specialized gun-drilling methods give us the ability to produce fluid passages and wire-ways to depths and tolerances considered impossible by others in our industry. And we do it in such high grade, high strength alloys as MP35N, 718, 825, 925, 17-4PH, as well as titaniums, BeCu and specialized non-magnetic "oil-patch" alloys.
We are a full service machining supplier - from sourcing raw materials, through state of the art CNC machining, to welding, cladding, coatings and shot-peening - Whether your product is Wire-line, MWD, LWD, or Completions equipment, our unsurpassed gundrilling and deep bore machining technologies, combined with our world class machining expertise makes Dearborn the best solution for your drillstring components.