Highly Integrated GR Detectors
Titan’s Highly Integrated Detectors (HID) are highly accurate and have outstanding reliability.
Product summary
Titan’s Highly Integrated Detectors (HID) are highly accurate and have outstanding reliability.
Log data obtained from nuclear logging tools provide some of the fundamental information required to characterize and assess a reservoirs performance. These include formation identification and correlation, porosity measurements, gas detection, fluid contact migration, and clay typing. GR detectors also play an important role in Geosteering directionally drilled well; the guidance of continuous mining equipment; Military, Security and other Industrial applications.
It is therefore vital to obtain the most accurate data possible. Hunting’s Highly Integrated Detectors (HID) provide the high accuracy plus outstanding reliability required to perform these tasks. Hunting’s HID’s are constructed using a proprietary mounting technology. By combining the photomultiplier tube (PMT) and crystal in a hermetically sealed package, the shock energy is substantially dampened. This unique mounting technology is unaffected by changes in temperature. The compound coupler used as an interface between the PMT and the crystal is the most optically clear product available on the market and it remains constantly in contact with the PMT and crystal making them less prone to alignment mismatches due to excessive shock and vibration.
Wireline Cased Hole and Open Hole Logging Tools
Correlation GR Perforating Tools
Detectors for Production Logging Tools.
MWD/LWD, Rotary Steerable and Near Bit GR Detectors
Detectors for Natural and Spectral GR (KUT) Logging Tools
Industrial applications requiring GR detectors for extreme environments
Military and medical
Proprietary shock and vibration mounting technology
Resist damage caused by extreme shock and vibration
Innovative packaging allows for larger crystal volume
PMT coupled directly to crystal with exclusive compound coupler
Compound coupler reduces light loss and is less prone to alignment mismatch
HID packaging improves pulse height resolution by 25%
Qualified up to 200°C (392°F) for high temperature applications
Fully customizable to customers specifications.