Scams & fraud
An overview of scam and fraud information.
Share scam alert
The Board of Hunting (the "Company") is aware that a number of shareholders have received unsolicited approaches for their shares from parties suggesting they are linked with potential offerors. The Company believes that these are not bona fide offers for shares and shareholders should be aware that these unsolicited share purchase requests are viewed as suspicious by the Company.
Shareholders are advised to be wary of such calls. If you receive any unsolicited investment advice:
- ensure that you get the correct name of the caller, the name of the company he or she represents and full contact details
- check with the FSA if the company is authorised to do business. If you deal with an unauthorised firm you will not be eligible to receive payment under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
In 2020 the Group has continued to receive communications from companies who have been approached by fraudulent individuals purporting to represent Hunting Knightsbridge (US) Finance Ltd, (“HKUSF”) a current Group subsidiary company of Hunting PLC. HKUSF is a dormant UK company, does not have any trading activities or employees, and will shortly be struck off from the UK’s Register of Companies. Should you be approached, please contact the police or relevant legal or law enforcement authorities.
You can find out more here:
- FSA leaflet
- FSA website
Scams & fraudulent emails alert
Fraudulent emails alert
Fraudulent recruitment processes
It has come to our attention that a number of fraudulent recruitment incidents have occurred whereby organizations are contacting job seekers offering bogus employment opportunities and requesting payment for visa applications on behalf of Hunting. Please note that these offers of employment are fraudulent and do not originate nor are associated with Hunting in any way. Under no circumstances should you send money, give out financial information to people you don't know or respond to suspicious offers of employment. Hunting would like to take this opportunity to assure candidates that no offer of employment will be made without interview nor do we ask for any payment upfront in connection with an offer of employment. If you receive unsolicited emails offering employment or you want to confirm the validity of an offer of employment please contact us at
Fraudulent commercial contracts
The Group has become aware of fraudulent activity in relation to commercial contracts purporting to have been drawn up by subsidiaries of Hunting, which offer transaction opportunities or financial services-related trading services. Hunting PLC’s primary line of commercial business is focussed on the oil and gas sector and does not undertake or offer any external financial services to third parties. Should you be forwarded an agreement which purports to have been generated by subsidiaries of the Hunting group, we recommend that you undertake independent legal due diligence or contact us at All queries will be dealt with in a confidential manner, but details of such contracts may be forwarded to the relevant regulatory and enforcement authorities. By publishing details of such abuses we aim to reduce the opportunities for the fraudsters to profit from their activities and to prevent individuals falling victim to fraudulent practices.
Any questions?
We are dedicated to excellence and committed to customer satisfaction. Contact us for all sales, support and general queries.